
Trafficked person

Camila smuggled herself into Aruba and fell prey to a ruthless trafficking ring. Camila has now been separated from her husband  and has worked for Magaly for some time. At Magaly’s house she finds comfort in her new friend, Genesis. But when Genesis disappears and then re-appears with a mysterious plan, Camila is faced with a choice…

Illegal acts
As a person who is being smuggled, Camila is not punishable for this act through the Aruba Penal Code. But she is punishable through administrative law, since he entered Aruba illegally (article 23, paragraph 1 LTU).


Sander is a quiet but conniving character. He sees himself as playboy and young women as his money ticket. He enjoys lying and manipulating as many girls as he can and puts them to work in the webcam industry. All accounts are managed by him, which means that the girls have no control or access to the funds. Sander decides if, when, and how much the girls are paid. With a little help from drugs, he keeps the girls in place.

Illegal acts

Employing an illegal migrant while keeping her in a position of dependency and exploitation, Sander is punishable for the act of employment of illegal migrants (article 2:155 APC), human trafficking (article 2:239 APC) or using the services of a victim of human trafficking (article 2:240 APC).

By employing a person without a valid permit or paying an illegal migrant for work, Sander is punishable through administrative law (article 23 LTU).


Victim turned Victimizer

Genesis started out as a trafficked migrant, and was traded into Magaly’s house for domestic work. But she is ambitious and street smart and will do everything to get ahead in life. As soon as she met Sander she knew he was her ticket out of her bad situation. She was quick to position herself as his right hand and is actively helping him to recruit more girls. This makes her both a victim and an accomplice to Sander. 

Illegal acts

Assisting in recruiting and employing an illegal migrant, while keeping her in a position of dependency and exploitation, Genesis is punishable for the act of employment of illegal migrants (article 2:155 APC), human trafficking (article 2:239 APC) or using the services of a victim of human trafficking (article 2:240 APC).

By employing a person without a valid permit or paying an illegal migrant for work, Genesis is punishable through administrative law (article 23 LTU).



Magaly, La Patrona is a rich self-made woman. She is part of an underworld cartel that lures Venezuelan people into Aruba with false promises of work. When her victims arrive, she takes possession of their passports and puts them to work in construction or domestic work, including in her own house. She has recently partnered up with Sander in a new business venture, that of webcam girls. 

Illegal acts

Employing an illegal migrant in her house, while keeping her in a position of dependency and exploitation, Magaly is punishable for the act of employment of illegal migrants (article 2:155 APC), human trafficking (article 2:239 APC) or using the services of a victim of human trafficking (article 2:240 APC).

By employing a person without a valid permit or paying an illegal migrant for work, Magaly is punishable through administrative law (article 23 LTU).

Isabela, Valentina & Gabriela

Cam girls

Adult webcam sites offer opportunities for anyone with a webcam and an internet connection to make some money by showing themselves to the public. But not in all cases the model is working for themselves.  


Globally, we see an alarming amount of cases where people are coerced, lied to, and forced to do this work, so that someone else can make money off of it. The most common tactic is the “loverboy method” — where men convince young, often vulnerable women to fall in love with them and then coerce them into webcam work. But this also happens in other situations in so-called production houses or even in some cases, family members exploit their own boys, girls, and women.

Trafficked workers

In our neighboring countries, countless individuals are currently enduring dire financial crises and overwhelming desperation. Tragically, this desperate vulnerability often makes them targets for unscrupulous individuals and criminal organizations who exploit their circumstances through organized human trafficking. These bad actors cunningly devise schemes to entice these vulnerable people with false promises of employment and shelter, only to subject them to deplorable living conditions and relentless, unpaid labor. What makes this situation even more sinister is that victims are stripped of their access to essential documents, leaving them trapped and powerless, unable to escape their harrowing predicament. It is an urgent and disturbing reality we must confront.