CMMA and KMVEN introduce an educational package for secondary schools about human trafficking and migrant smuggling

CMMA and Chain Manager Venezuela (KMVEN) introduce an educational package for secondary schools about human trafficking and migrant smuggling On October 18th, National Day Against Trafficking in Human Beings, was the launch of the “Trafficking and Smuggling Education Package” for secondary school students aged 12-18. The “educational package for human trafficking and human smuggling” was […]
Silent walk Event

Silent walk to raise awareness On Monday the 18th of October, 2021, Coordination Center on Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling Aruba (CMMA) together with Ketenmanager Manager Venezuela (KMVEN) organized a silent walk in commemoration of the European Day Against Human Trafficking and to shine a light on the topic. The walk started at the end […]
Meeting to formalise Coordinatie Centrum Mensenhandel Mensensmokkel Aruba

Meeting to formalise Coordinatie Centrum Mensenhandel Mensensmokkel Aruba In a press conference, it was announced that the organization of CMMA( “Coördinatiecentrum Mensenhandel Mensensmokkel Aruba” ) will be a point of attention for the upcoming cabinet. Ms. Jeannette Richardson- Baars, the Coordinador of CMMA, and project manager Angela Persad recently met with the government mandator […]
OM wants to take 800,000 guilders from human traffickers

OM wants to take 800,000 guilders form human trafficker. The public prosecution service wants to take almost 800,000 guilders from the owner of Hot Chicks Café and Wings Café. He is on trail for human trafficking in the Tres Belle case. The owner is said to have recruited Venezuelan woman between 2017 and 2019 to […]
Love and Trafficking: How Traffickers Groom & Control Their Victims

Love and Trafficking: How Traffickers Groom & Control Their Victims “I can’t believe she fell for that.” “If I were him I would have told someone!” “I would have seen right through it.” If you’ve never been targeted by a trafficker – or in an abusive or manipulative relationship of any kind – you may […]
Spot the 9 Warning Signs of Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking

Spot the 9 Warning Signs of Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Members of the public could be “unwittingly” hiring the victims of modern slavery who are hidden in “plain sight” across the world. Victims of forced servitude and labour could be washing your car, serving your meals, working in the hotels where you stay, painting […]
With “HABRI BO WOWO” CMMA raises awareness in Aruba about human trafficking and smuggling

With “Habri bo wowo” CMMA raises awareness in Aruba about human trafficking and smuggling The Coordination Center on Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants Aruba (CMMA) and Ketenmanager Venezuela premiered the feature film Otro Banda di Lama (To the Other Side of the Sea) in the presence of Prime Minister Evelyn Wever Croes and the […]
Careful, You could be a victim!

What are the signs of human trafficking?

TWO ILLEGALS FLED FROM THE DETENTION FACILITY IN DAKOTA A little past 10:30 am, information was received from the coast guard that two individuals fled from the facility in Dakota. There was a search started for these individuals immediately, whereafter one of them was quickly caught in Dakota. The other individual is still on the […]

FOUND THE BOAT THAT WAS LEFT BEHIND It was after 12:00 am on Monday when the police were searching for a boat that had transported people illegally from Venezuela earlier that night. They found a small boat in the ocean, just behind the dog cemetery. It appeared to be the boat named Ariangel, which is […]